lunedì 14 aprile 2008

Dicono di noi...

Mancano poche ore alla fine delle elezioni e già tremo all'idea di chi sarà il vincitore... per ingannare il tempo ho deciso di fare un giro sui siti stranieri, per vedere un po' l'opinione mondiale cosa pensa di queste elezioni e dei personaggi che le costellano... ed è proprio vero che ci facciamo riconoscere dovunque... che tristezza!!!

NEW YORK TIMES: Scetticismo e apatia per le elezioni in Italia
"With economic growth again near zero and crises involving trash and the national airline unresolved, many Italians have said that they want change, but that neither candidate seemed capable of providing it."

FINANCIAL TIMES: Elezioni italiane tra ampio malcontento
"Italians started voting on Sunday for their 62nd post-war government, with large numbers reported to be undecided or expressing their discontent with the political classes by staying away from polling stations.....An already complicated voting system was made more confusing with different arrangements used on ballot sheets for local and national elections."

TIMES ONLINE: Berlusconi probabilmente per la terza volta PM in Italia

"Both Mr Berlusconi and Mr Veltroni vowed to cut taxes, reduce Italy's huge public debt and liberalise the public sector. But a lacklustre campaign was enlivened only towards the end by Mr Berlusconi's reversion to typically extravagant remarks and promises, with most Italians weary of squabbling self serving politicians and chronic political instability turning out to vote with little enthusiasm. Many Italians doubt whether the next government — the 62nd since the Second World War — will be able to reverse economic decline, stimulate investment, introduce deregulation and stem price rises for basic foods such as pasta and bread."

"The voting is being held under a discredited election law that many analysts say fosters instability. It comes amid worries of economic recession and disillusionment with a political class that many contend has failed to solve the nation's problems. A garbage collection crisis has left tons of trash piling up on the streets of Naples. Efforts to sell the loss-making national airline Alitalia are up in the air after a proposal by Air France-KLM has encountered the opposition of unions and political powers. A buffalo mozzarella health scare has hit one of the country's culinary treasures and hurt exports. With more than 60 cabinets since World War II, Italy has a history of government instability."

EL MUNDO: La rivoluzione bipartitista di "Veltrusconi"
"En un clima de decadencia cada vez más acentuado por las onmipresentes comparaciones mediáticas entre Italia y España, el país sigue sin resolver los importantes problemas que ha sufrido en los últimos años: la economía, tan estancada que el sueldo medio del país es hoy inferior al de Grecia; la elevadísima evasión fiscal, con el 25% del PIB sumergido y 3,5 millones de trabajadores sin cotizar en la seguridad social; las ingentes pérdidas de Alitalia, la compañía aérea de bandera al borde de la bancarrota; la obsoleta red de infraestructuras; la inmigración clandestina; la basura que llena las calles de Nápoles; un sistema de pensiones con el agua al cuello; las restrictivas leyes que regulan las uniones civiles y la investigación científica con embriones; y el ya casi olvidado conflicto de intereses de Berlusconi."

...proprio una bella pubblicità...

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